Monday 20 June 2016

How to get new black hairs for young girls

Many of young girls if you have dry hair color or black hair but you worry they are not good black colored then don't use the harmful chemical containing colors to dye them. In this article I will inform you of a beautiful house made therapy of hair for girls to get more black hair color and strength which is not having any bad chemical. You can make a very efficient hair mask at home to do this task, using some natural pure products.

To make this hair mask follows the tips below.

First of all take 4 tablespoon of fenugreek in a glass bowl and put some fresh water to soak overnight.
Next morning transfer these water soaked seeds in a grinder and keep the fresh water in a small glass for later on use. Now put the following items.
Add ten curry leaves, 2 hibiscus flowers and 5 leaves of red hibiscus plant.
Now crush it well to become paste. Now move it in a glass bowl and add the following things.
Add 1 tablespoon of henna powder and 1 well beaten egg yolk
Now in final procedure of preparation put some clean water that you have kept in glass bowl and mix well all the items to become a good and some runny paste.
Now you are completed and your nice hair mask is ready to service.

Method of application.

Young girls apply this good house hair mask on your hair and deep up to the scalp.
Give a little and soft massage on scalp and put on a bath cap to leave this item on your hair for half an hour.
Now rinse your hair and use a mild hair shampoo.

How to treat dry hair naturally for girls

Hair is a natural part of the human body and it is also easy to be weakened. There are lots of situations that affect your hair such as oiliness, dryness, and other health problems. Dry scalp can leads to inflammation, loss of elasticity, and dandruff. Dry hair is caused by a number of reasons such as incorrect lifestyle, using medicines, stress, or the sunlight expose, etc. In this post, you can find five simple methods to treat dry hair naturally for girls. Just five natural items available in your house, you will reduce the dryness on the skin and stop dandruff effectively.

Olive oil
How to treat dry hair naturally for girls? You should take the effectiveness of olive oil, which loads rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and natural oils. This oil is perfect in preventing frizzy hair and moisturizes your hair naturally. Listed below are two solutions for treating dry hair with olive oil:

You might wonder that egg has full of protein, oily acids, and useful minerals to nourish your hair. The egg also contains enzymes that can improve your hair and cleanse your scalp effectually. How to treat dry hair with eggs? Here are two choices you can choose:

Avocado fruit
Avocado fruit is a great fruit for health and for your natural beauty, especially in caring for your hair. This fruit has well in proteins, vitamins, greasy acids, normal oils, and fat. Also, avocado can soften your scalp and keep your hair moist.